2019 Christmas Drive


From Wesh 2 local news story -

“OCOEE, Fla. —

A Central Florida woman has dedicated her time during the holidays to make sure children have gifts to open Christmas morning.

This year, Terrie Scott has already helped more than 300 children with her nonprofit, A Heart to Give.

All over Central Florida this Christmas, there are families who will struggle to buy even a few gifts.

Scott wants to change that for as many families as she can. Scott and the oldest of her four kids were still wrapping Christmas presents at their home Tuesday, but not for their own family.

"I get phone calls from all over the place, some of the schools call me, just word of mouth," Scott said.

A Heart To Give is a nonprofit that operates out of Scott's home and seeks to help kids in need.

"I just put a call out to the community and they respond really well, which is amazing because without the community, I couldn't do what I do," Scott said.

Scott had worked for another nonprofit and in 2018 found herself burnt out so she stepped aside.

She said the calls started coming in from people who knew her reputation and needed help. By last Christmas, she found herself rounding up presents for more than a hundred kids.

This year, she's provided gifts for more than 340.

While WESH 2's Amanda Ober was with Scott, Paul Gray came to thank her in person for the gifts she provided to the six grandchildren he and his wife have living with them this year.

"We're raising grandchildren with some autistic issues and my wife and I have fallen on hard times healthwise and are unable to work and are grateful for what she's done for us and the family," Gray said.

Scott said her clients are referred to her from local schools and foster programs. She then puts out the need on the A Heart To Give Facebook page and it's quickly met.

"People want to help, they just don't know how or where," Scott said.

Scott's next goal is to find a space where A Heart to Give can operate.

"I plan on doing this until the Lord tells me to stop," Scott said.

She also said her ultimate goal is to give hope to people who've lost it. Click here to visit A Heart to Give's Facebook page.”


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